Stop banging your head against the wall and let’s rebrand your online business the right way – from the ground UP

You wouldn’t rebuild your house without a rocksolid foundation and a building pro, so why would you rebrand your business without a rocksolid foundation and a branding pro?

The smart answer is, you wouldn’t.

You can have the most beautiful logo, website, and Instagram feed in the world, but if your ideal clients don’t perceive you as the go-to in your industry – the one they simply HAVE to work with, no matter the cost – then all you’ve done is dig yourself into an expensive hole.

Branding is all about perception.

How “they” see you. How “they” feel about you. What “they” whisper about you when your back is turned.

You might think that means your brand is outside your control.

But there lies your opportunity…

Because if you’re fiercely intentional about the way you build your brand, you can shape the perception for them.

Do that, and captivating them at first click becomes effortless.

Delighting them at every touchpoint becomes business as usual.

Selling to them becomes serious fun – and way easier than you thought possible.

Suddenly, the people you’ve been stalking following for years know your name.

Your waitlist is 2 months long – and still growing.

You’re able to raise your rates without even blinking (let alone having an anxiety attack), which means that even though your waitlist is growing, you don’t have to take on as many clients.

So the freedom you’ve been busting your ass for actually feels like freedom. (And tastes like brunch on the beach on a Wednesday. Mmmmm.)

Being intentional about the way you rebrand isn’t just about standing out and selling more to the right people. It’s about:

  • Infusing your unique personality into every single thing you create so you’re actually excited to share it all with the world
  • Turning what you stand for into what you’re known for so you can create a league of your own online (instead of trying to find a place in someone else’s)
  • Being crystal clear and unapologetically confident about how you show up and express yourself and your work
  • Simplifying e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g so your time and focus goes on what will generate profit, not adrenal fatigue
  • Falling back in love with your business while you scale it, and in turn, falling back in love with your life

After all, you build a brand to serve your business, and you build a business to serve your life.

You’ve already built a brand. Now, you’re ready to build THE brand. The one that your ideal clients will be knocking down the (virtual) door of, money in hand.

The easiest and most fun way to do that?

Brand Captivation: the art of (re)building the brand that feels like home for you and captivates more of the people you’d love to work with

This is the part where I make my brain + fingers available for private hire
(not literally, because that would be disgusting) and take you through my signature brand framework

I’ve had ideal clients hire me specifically because they connected so well with the words on my website. Suzi was so amazing to work with! I was blown away by the copy. It really felt like me. And the best thing? It took her no time. The first draft was spot on. Suzi just knew exactly what I wanted and needed. The copy lifts the photos to a whole new experience. Love her, love her, love her!!!

Liz Riley – Brand Photographer

Stage 1: Drawing the Plans

Being hyper intentional with your brand planning now pays off in the future. This stage is as much about decluttering what isn’t working for you any more as it is envisioning what you’d like to work for you in the future. Because, *let me repeat,* you’re building a brand to serve your business, and you’re building a business to serve your life.

Here’s how we’ll draw the plans together:

  • Create your 3-step intentional vision for both your business and your life (because hustling is so 2016 and so is living a life you’re not obsessed with)
  • Define and refine the people you’d do a happy dance to serve (beyond the standard and stale ICA exercise) so *surprise!* that’s who you actually attract
  • Simplify and sexify your signature service so you get noticed (for work you’re wild about), remembered, and referred

Stage 2: Lay the Foundation

Just like a house needs to have a rock-solid foundation that supports everything that stands on top of it, your brand needs to have a rock-solid foundation that supports every single business decision you make.

To build a captivating brand that stands out and sells more (to the right people), this foundation needs to be both creative and strategic. Creative so it captivates more of the right people. Strategic so it converts them. And the whole process revolves entirely around you. Because even though there are other people doing the kind of work you do, no one can do it the way you do.

Here’s how we’ll lay the foundations together:

  • Fill your Personality + Philosophy Box so you can block out all that exterior noise and re-discover everything that makes you YOU and your business YOUR business
  • Piece together your unique, emotion-stirring story in a way that shows off what you stand for, what you believe in, why you’re the best at what you do, and why it’s important to you in the first place (when you focus on selling a story instead of selling a service it’ll be impossible for your ideal clients to ignore)

Stage 3: Setting The Cornerstone

How many times have you caught yourself wondering how can I stand out more online? I’m going to guess… eleventy billion? You need to give people a REASON to notice you, to read, to listen, to click, to buy, to share, and that’s where your Captivation Concept comes in. Also known as the cornerstone of your brand. (Also known as your competitive advantage.)

Having your own Captivation Concept is how you build the brand no one else can. Do it right, and standing out to the right people becomes the easiest thing in the world.

Here’s how we’ll set the cornerstone together:

  • Cultivate your own Captivation Concept so that your brand has a distinctive concept / theme / approach / philosophy that’s so clear, so creative, and so cohesive it turns the heads and steals the hearts of the right clients and customers – who don’t just become buyers, they become brand ambassadors

Stage 4: Building the Walls

Once you’ve used your plans to lay a rock-solid brand foundation, which in turn supports your brand cornerstone, it’s time to build the walls.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • Map out your wow-worthy website so it raises the number of the right people expressing their interest, decreases your bounce rate, and sets you up for a consistent flow of clients (and a sweet rise in revenue)
  • Infuse your Captivation Concept so that browsing sessions become intriguing, fun, and memorable EXPERIENCES for potential buyers – so much so that they can’t help but want to work with you

Stage 5: Decorating the Interior

This is the point where you get to stamp YOU all over your brand and express your personality, point of view, and services in a unique way that feels like home for you – and will feel like home for your ideal clients, too. You know, so they never want to leave, and want to buy everything you sell.


  • Create your Brand Language Bank so you can infuse your unique style into all  brand communications (this can also be used as a deliciously fun and easy starting point for everything you write)
  • Visualize your brand style, including colors, images, logos, and other visual elements that look and feel like YOU – this is the perfect starting point for brand identity design work
  • Curate your brand photo shot list so you have photos, concepted and planned in advance, that you can hand right over to your brand photographer

Since hiring a copywriter I’ve seen my sales sky rocket. Suzi just “got me” and crafted words that really felt like something I would say (but much better). I felt SO much more confident pressing send on my emails and publishing my new website after working with her. I really struggle with selling myself, so to hand that off to Suzi was a huge blessing and definitely worth the investment. Her mix of strategy, integrity in my sales pitches, and stellar copy had me turning right back around and hiring her again!

Jamie Starcevich of Spruce Rd. – Creative Director

You weren’t born to be a digital wallflower, and now’s the time to work together to build the brand that gets noticed, loved, and shared

Door #1

[et_pb_aio_extended url="/work-with-me" image="" icon_alignment="center" animation="fadeIn" text_orientation="center" text_alignment="center" img_zoomin_hover="off" whole_content_animation="fadeIn" module_id="door-1" module_class="door" scroll_fade_column_on_off="on" content_animation="fadeIn" button_one_animation="fadeIn" button_one_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_one_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" button_two_animation_on_off="off" button_two_animation="fadeIn" button_two_animation_reveal="off" button_two_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_two_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" _builder_version="4.3.2" header_level="h2" header_text_align="center" header_font_size="34px" custom_padding="0px|0px|0px|0px" body_font_size_tablet="51" custom_css_main_element="padding: 0em !important;"]



Brand strategy only

Perfect if you want help clarifying all the foundational brand pieces but don’t need me to write your website copy.

  • Full support through all 5 stages of the Brand Captivation Framework
  • "Dig to the Diamonds" brand questionnaire
  • 2 x 75-minute Lightbulb Sessions (private consults) where we develop your strategy, messaging, positioning, Captivation Concept (and all the places we can infuse it), and the overall brand experience
  • Shortlisted Captivation Concepts for you to choose from
  • Brand Captivation Book which includes your brand strategy, finalised Captivation Concept, Brand Language Bank, and photo shot list
  • Email and Voxer support from me
  • Referrals to brand designers and brand photographers if required





Door #2

[et_pb_aio_extended url="/work-with-me" image="" icon_alignment="center" animation="fadeIn" text_alignment="center" img_zoomin_hover="off" whole_content_animation="fadeIn" module_id="door-1" module_class="door" scroll_fade_column_on_off="on" content_animation="fadeIn" button_one_animation="fadeIn" button_one_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_one_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" button_two_animation_on_off="off" button_two_animation="fadeIn" button_two_animation_reveal="off" button_two_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_two_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" _builder_version="4.4.4" header_level="h2" header_font_size="34px" custom_padding="0px|0px|0px|0px" hover_enabled="0" custom_css_main_element="padding: 0em !important;"]


Website copy only

Perfect if you’ve already got your full brand strategy and Captivation Concept nailed down

  • Brand questionnaire that digs to the diamonds
  • 1 x 75-minute Lightbulb Session (private consult) where we go through your brand, website + story strategy
  • Logfire-hot home page copy that snatches attention – and then keeps it
  • Heart-hooking about page copy that creates a where-have-you-been-all-my-life emotional connection
  • Signature service or work with me page copy that will have your ideal clients swooning at the screen (and throwing money at it)
  • Contact page copy that makes people excited to reach out to you
  • Opt-in bar copy to grow your community like whoa
  • Two rounds of revisions for every deliverable
  • Email and Voxer support from me




Door #3

[et_pb_aio_extended image="" icon_alignment="center" animation="fadeIn" text_alignment="center" img_zoomin_hover="off" whole_content_animation="fadeIn" module_id="door-1" module_class="door" scroll_fade_column_on_off="on" content_animation="fadeIn" button_one_animation="fadeIn" button_one_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_one_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" button_two_animation_on_off="off" button_two_animation="fadeIn" button_two_animation_reveal="off" button_two_twod_hover_style="hvr-grow" button_two_sb_hover_style="hvr-bubble-top" _builder_version="4.4.4" header_level="h2" header_font_size="34px" custom_padding="0px|0px|0px|0px" hover_enabled="0" custom_css_main_element="padding: 0em !important;"]


Brand strategy + website copy

Perfect if you’re planning a full rebrand and you want to have a rock-solid brand strategy and scroll-stoppingly captivating website copy

  • Everything behind Door 1 + Door 2, PLUS a few extra surprises along the way 😉


One new client said they specifically contacted me because of a line on my website that Suzi wrote. I loved the humour and personality she managed to inject into my brand. The final copy was fantastic – it managed to get across what I’d been trying to communicate for years. I wanted to make everyone read it immediately! Definitely worth the money – especially since the new clients have come through.

Jessica Morgan of Jessica Draws – Graphic Designer

Whichever door you choose, Brand Captivation is the key to rebranding your online business the right way

The right way = higher-paying clients, better referrals, and more exciting opportunities knocking on your (virtual) door

You know you can’t go through a rebrand without proper support. For starters, it would take waaaay too much time and energy to do it all by yourself, and hustling for 12 hours a day was so 2016.

Plus, when you’re investing a chunk of cold, hard cash in a copywriter, a photographer, and a designer, you want those investments to be protected, not slip through the cracks after a few short months when you find yourself lost, confused, and needing to “rebrand” again.

I had a five-figure launch of my signature course, selling it at the highest price I ever have. I’m not sure I would have reached those sales at the new price without Suzi’s help!  She saved me hours of time, and helped me keep my sales solid despite other changes going on with my launch. She came highly recommended and I was really happy with the final copy. It felt like my own words and very few revisions were needed. Suzi’s the perfect copywriter to have in your back pocket. Quick to respond, never misses a deadline, and her writing style can infuse your voice with her selling wizardry.

Kelsey Baldwin of Paper + Oats – Educator for Creatives

Together, we can create THE personality-infused brand that will:

  • Turn what you stand for into what you’re known for
  • Captivate your ideal clients so they seek YOU out (instead of you stalking them so much there’s a warrant out for your arrest)
  • Position you as the go-to person in your industry – or even better, in a league of your own – so you earn everything from respect, to referrals, to unexpected opportunities, to more money
  • Allow you to raise your rates, and then raise them again, because you become THE ONE for people, not one of many
  • Give you all the clarity and confidence you need to put yourself out there in a bigger way, which means more and more people will share positive stories about your brand
  • Make those big (and small!) business decisions 100x easier because you have total clarity on the direction your brand + business are going in
  • Expand and evolve as you do (while still staying congruent)
  • Help you take on fewer clients at a higher price point, so you can spend more time hanging at the beach, running in the woods, doing brunch with the girls, or curling up with your love and a book on the couch

Absolutely the best money I’ve spent. When I got the final copy I said, “damn, she made me want to buy my own offer.” Suzi is not the typical copywriter with cookie-cutter copy. She has a unique flair and is able to weave the words into a compelling story that’s subtle but converts into sales. Don’t compromise the success of your business by trying to DIY! You need Suzi’s magical touch to optimize your sales. Having copy that connects and converts for you is the best ROI.

Luisa McClure – Nutritionist and Funnels Specialist

So… which door do you feel like opening?

Let’s chat about it! Book yourself straight into my calendar at a time to suit you, and you can ask me any questions you have about Brand Captivation and which door is right for you.

30 minutes. Totally free. Wine optional.

Smart move! 5 Days of Captivation is ready for you.

By signing up, you're also giving permission to receive equally delicious info and offers specifically designed to help you captivate + convert more ideal clients. No fluff. No BS. No spam. (I can't promise there won't be GIFs.) 

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By signing up, you're also giving permission to receive equally delicious info and offers specifically designed to help you captivate + convert more ideal clients. No fluff. No BS. No spam. (I can't promise there won't be GIFs.) 

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Oh hey, homie!Pop your details in so you don't miss the Captivation Class running 16-20 September...

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Oh hey, homie! Pop your details in so you don't miss the Captivation Challenge running 14-18 September...

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Pop your details in to get access to the Clients In Abundance workshop + Q&A on 18 February...

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